Sermon Illustrations


"Unattached"--people who had attended neither a conventional church nor a faith community during the past year represents 25% of adult Americans. A third of these have never attended a church.

"Intermittents"--participated in a conventional church or a faith community within the past year constitutes 15% of U.S. adults. Two-thirds attended at least one church event within the past six months.

"Homebodies"--did not attend a conventional church during the past month, but did attend a meeting of a house church. This comprises 3% of American adults.

"Blenders"--attended both a conventional church and a house church during the past month represent 3% of the adult population.

"Conventionals"--attended a conventional church during the past month, but not a house church. These account for 56% of U.S. adults.

(Source: The Foster Letter, 2/08)

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