Sermon Series
  • 1. Calling By God

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2013

    Isaiah experiences the call of God and submits to God

    Isaiah 6:1-8 “Here am I, Send me” Background Isaiah’s commission comes to him when he realizes God and His greatness. King Uzziah or Azariah died. II Ki 14:21,15:3. Hos 1:1, Am. 1:1. Isaiah was son of Amoz II Ki. 19:2, 20:1, II Chr. 26:22, Is. 1:1, 6:1. 6:1-4Greatness of more

  • 2. Pastors

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Three kinds of Pastors

    Hebrews. 13:1-9 Pastors – Honorable By Rev. Andrew B Natarajan Introduction: Jn. 15:16. Chosen, appointed and expect from you. Pastoral ministry is in the third order of the ministry in I Cor.12:28, whereas in Eph.4:12-14 comments as fifth order. Talents and more

  • 3. Corruption And God's People

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2016

    Living free from all the corruptions is a blessings

    I Sam 8:1-9 ‘Corruption and God’ By Rev. Andrew B Natarajan 8:1-2 Family Ministry: Family is a gift. Living together wife, Children is greatest gift(Ps.127:1). Praying as family, worshipping as family, and doing ministry as family is a blessing. more

  • 4. Be Transfigured

    Contributed on Oct 16, 2016

    Jesus took three disciples who were transfigured in life they were with Jesus and therefore life was transformed in latter stages. They were died as martyrs.

    Text: MARK 9:2-9 Theme: “Be Transfigured” Background: Mark 8 describes Jesus involved in many activities and programs. He taught, did miracles, healed. Mark 9:10ff describes Jesus tells about resurrection, miracles, importance on fasting-prayer. 1. Go to Mountain Mark 9:2 Called, took to High more

  • 5. He Is Our God

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Live like Elijah to bring revival among God's people who live a lethargic life.

    “The Lord indeed is God; The Lord indeed is God” I Ki. 18:39 & Ex 20:4-6 1. Trouble to all People Omri reigned Israel, he made Samaria as its Capital (I Ki 16:24-26). He provoked the Lord by Idols. Ahab did more evil than all other kings before him (I Ki 16:30). He married Jezebel, a Sidonite more

  • 6. Corruption And God's People

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2016

    The kingship was given by God to Saul, but unfortunately he took the grace of God for granted and did all kinds of evil. He lived against the will and purpose of God. Finally ended up his life in disgrace, dishonor and shameful manner. He brought curse.

    I Sam 10:17-24: The Elected King This Bible Passage can be divided into three parts with three sub headings for our clear understanding. God made a covenant with Abraham to be his God, Lord and king, that covenant continued to his descendants as that of the blessings of the promises. But now more

  • 7. Walk With Christ

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2018

    Walking with Jesus is very rich experience in life. blessed are those who are chosen to be with him and walk with him(Ps.27:4). the experience of walking with God is always rich and glorious(Ex.34:35).

    Theme: Walk with Jesus Text: Ruth 1:14-22 Introduction: Walking with Jesus is very rich experience in life. blessed are those who are chosen to be with him and walk with him(Ps.27:4). the experience of walking with God is always rich and glorious(Ex.34:35). Committed Walk Naomi was a more

  • 8. Pass On The Torch

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2018

    God called Israelite to surrender themselves and make their generations to follow God. Do everything according to the desire of God. Success at your hand.

    Theme: Pass the torch of your faith Text: Joshua 4:1-13 Introduction: There are numerous varieties of stones. The traditional gemstones are: Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Indians strongly believe on the Lucky stones. Particular about the colour and luck. Some people have stones at more

  • 9. Three Simple Steps For Victory

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    There are three simple steps for victory, namely, follow God, Sanctify yourselves and Draw near to God. If you do you will be successful.

    Joshua 3:1-9 Walk through the impossibilities Introduction: The Charles Blondin made a history and walked through the impossibilities for others though crossing the Niagara Falls on the tight rope on Aug 1859 with his manager Harry Colcord. Joshua, the 6th book of OT is full of practicalities. more

  • 10. Three Calls Of St. Paul

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2019

    Apostle Paul confirms his calling to be an Apostle with great assurance and confidence. Though he equals himself with other Apostles who were with Christ. Yet he understood his calling was to be an apostle. He says Jesus was Son of man - Kata Sarxa and Son of God - Kata Pneuma.

    Theme: Three Calls Text: Romans 01:01-07 CALL TO BE SENT - Apostolic call Romans 01:1-4 Wesley says: “While God calls, he makes what he calls. Jewish teachers disputed his claim to the apostolic office, with great propriety he asserts and overthrows their principles are entire”. Apostle is a more

  • 11. Call Of God -Abraham

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2019

    God called Abram and Sarai to be a blessing to the nations. Their name change brought great revival in their life and brought blessings to their Descendants. Read through this sermon and understood why the promise of God took long time to be fulfilled in the lives of this couple.

    Genesis 12:1-9 Leave and Go Abraham He was the second son of Terah; he lost his father at the age of 75. His life is narrated in just 12 chapters. He is called a friend of God (I Chronicles 20:7, Isaiah.41:8, James 2:23). He became the father of believers. He is an important person in three more

  • 12. Call Of Moses

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2019

    God called Moses for the highest lifestyle. The call narrative is very interesting and enlightening. There is no age limit for the call. Living for God on the earth is important than doing some thing on God's name. Personal life precedes programs.

    Exodus 3:1-12 Introduction: The account of call and commission of Moses comes to us in the book of Exodus through Yahwistic and Elohistic sources. It is placed between the states of the oppression and liberation of Israel. Let us meditate the call of Moses. Exodus 3:1-4 GOD’S CALL TO MOSES Now more

  • 13. Lifestyle Of A Christ Disciple

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2020

    Following Jesus Christ is a challenge on the earth with many struggles. But Christ the perfect role model will take us to the highest places if we surrender ourselves to him.

    LIFESTYLE OF A CHRIST DISCIPLE Luke 9:56-62 Introduction: Some hundred years ago two team leaders adopted the same goal: Both sought to be the first to lead an expedition to the South Pole. Once made the decision presented with them countless choices. Selecting the cloth to wear, food to eat and more

  • 14. I Worship The Living God

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2021

    The book of Jonah describes the event that had happened at the time of prophet Jonah. It explains the relationship between a Prophet and his God.

    Theme: I worship the Living Lord Text: Jonah 1:1-9 Jonah answered them, “I am a Hebrew. I worship Yahweh, the God of heaven. He is the Elohim who made the sea and the land.” (Names of God Bible). Introduction: The book of Jonah describes the event that had happened at the time of prophet Jonah. more