Sermon Series
  • 1. That Old Time Gospel

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018

    Message one in our series on Galatians introducing the series.

    Chico Alliance Church “That Old-Time Gospel” The early church had a strong commitment, a passion, an all-consuming fervor for the apostle teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and a wide variety of Prayer. This consuming commitment was based on a basic understanding of the freedom more

  • 2. Saved By Grace

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018

    Message 2 in our exposition of Galatians. This message

    Chico Alliance Church “Saved By Grace” Out of a devotion to the basics of “teaching, fellowship breaking of bread, prayers” comes relevant ministry and connection that develops and demonstrates dynamic relationship with God, selfless love for each other and effective impact in our world. more

  • 3. Justified By Grace

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018

    Message 3 in our exposition of Galatians exploring our justification by faith.

    Chico Alliance Church “Justified by Faith” Introduction I. Correct Divine Credentials 1:6-2:21 A. Reacted to such a quick departure from the gospel of grace vs 6-7 B. Condemned anyone distorting the gospel of grace vs 8-9 C. Affirmed his personal commitment to the gospel of grace more

  • 4. The Living Dead

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018

    Message 4 in our exposition of Galatians. Living by faith.

    Chico Alliance Church “The Living Dead” II. Paul Teaches the Correct Concept of the Gospel of Grace 2:15-4:31 A. The Gospel of Grace Introduced 2:15-21 1. Stated emphatically 15-16 2. Argued Strongly 17-20 3. Held strenuously 21 B. The Gospel of Grace applied to more

  • 5. Bewitched Or Blessed

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2018

    Message 5 in our exposition of Galatians addressing Paul's admonition to Galatians wrong thinking about faith.

    Chico Alliance Church “Bewitched or Blessed” Review Paul wrote this brief letter to believers in the area of Southern Galatia who he himself had introduced to the Good News of freedom in Christ. Shortly after some false teachers called Judaizers began their destructive and disruptive more

  • 6. Father Abraham

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 6 in our Galatians series exploring chapter 3 on Abraham's faith.

    Chico Alliance Church “Father Abraham” True freedom comes by grace through faith in Christ I. Paul carries the right credentials 1:1-2:14 Apostle, taught personally by Christ Himself II. Paul Teaches the Correct Concept of the Gospel of Grace 2:15-4:31 Right standing before God comes more

  • 7. Why The Law?

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 7 in our Galatians series exploring the purpose of the law.

    Chico Alliance Church “Why the Law?” True freedom comes by grace through faith in Christ I. Paul Possessed the Correct credentials 1-2 Paul taught only what he received directly from Christ Himself. II. Paul Proclaimed the Correct Concept of Grace 2:15-4:31 Right standing before God more

  • 8. Sons Of God

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 8 in our Galatians series declaring the wonder of our sonship.

    Chico Alliance Church “Sons of God” True freedom comes by grace through faith in Christ I. Paul Possessed the Correct credentials 1-2 Paul taught only what he received directly from Christ Himself. II. Paul Proclaimed the Correct Concept of Grace 2:15-4:31 Right standing before God more

  • 9. Tale Of Two Sons

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 9 in our Galatians series

    Chico Alliance Church “Childbirth, a tale of two sons, falling from Grace” Review True freedom comes by grace through faith in Christ I. Paul Possessed the Correct credentials 1-2 Paul taught only what he received directly from Christ Himself. II. Paul Proclaimed the Correct more

  • 10. Losing Our Grip On Grace

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 10 in our Galatians series focusing on our freedom in Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church “Loosing our Grip on Grace” I. Paul Possessed the Correct credentials 1-2 II. Paul Proclaimed the Correct Concept of Grace 2:15-4:31 A. The Gospel of Grace Introduced 2:15-21 B. The Gospel of Grace Argued and Illustrated 3:1-4:31 1. Faith Argued by more

  • 11. "Christian" Cannibalism Or Sacrificial Service

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2018

    Message 11 in our Galatians series on Paul's warning not to bite and devour one another.

    Chico Alliance Church December 6 , 1998 “Christian Cannibalism” or Sacrificial Service I. Paul Possessed the Correct credentials 1-2 II. Paul Proclaimed the Correct Concept of Grace 2:15-4:31 A. The Gospel of Grace Introduced 2:15-21 B. The Gospel of Grace Argued and Illustrated more

  • 12. Born Slaves, Living Free

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2018

    Message 12 in our Galatians series exploring our freedom in Christ.

    Chico Alliance Church December 6 , 1998 “Born Slaves, Living Free” Review The message of Galatians is as needful today as it was when Paul first wrote it. True freedom comes by grace through faith in and relationship with Christ Paul addressed all these issues in a forceful, straightforward more

  • 13. Life In The Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2018

    Message 13 in our Galatians Series exploring what life in the Spirit looks like. An extended series on this subject can be found in the five part series called "Living in the Spirit".

    Chico Alliance Church “Life in the Spirit” Review The truths communicated to the churches of Southern Galatia are as needful and life-changing today as it was when Paul first recorded them. God supernaturally shared truth through ordinary men so that we might have our senses trained to the more

  • 14. Warning Lights

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2018

    Message 14 in our Galatians Series dealing with the signs of a fleshly life.

    Chico Alliance Church “Warning Lights” INTRODUCTION The year is well underway! What does this year hold? Growth, grief, glee, gloom, gratitude, grumbling? Christ promised to give us abundant life in Him. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ more

  • 15. Fruit Of A Spirit Controlled Life

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2018

    Message 14 in our Galatians series exploring the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5.

    Chico Alliance Church “Fruit of a spirit controlled Life” "You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you. John 15:16 People can identify the more

  • 16. God's Path To New Life

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2018

    Final message in our series in Galatians.

    “The Cross, God’s path to new life” Review Outline for Paul’s letter to the Galatians I. Paul Possessed the Correct Divine Credentials 1:6-2:21 A. Reacted to such a quick departure from the gospel of grace vs 6-7 B. Condemned anyone distorting the gospel of grace vs 8-9 C. Affirmed more