Sermon Series

  • 1. The Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2010

    Our feet can be beautiful to someone as we bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

    We are starting a new series today with the Letter to the Romans! Please have your Bibles, bulletin and pen ready. Let us note the power of Rome and what the city was like. 2000 years ago, when Christianity was born, the Roman Empire was quite powerful (show map). From the city of Rome, the more

  • 2. How Excited Are We About The Gospel?

    Contributed on May 3, 2010

    If I really believe in what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do in my life, shouldn’t I be as compelled as the Apostle Paul to live a life for Christ?

    We started a new study series last week with the Letter to the Romans. When this letter was written 2000 years ago, the City of Rome was the center of the world! The city had over 2 million people with diverse backgrounds but many were slaves. The Church in Rome was very fragile in the sense that more

  • 3. God Has Wrath

    Contributed on May 17, 2010

    The person who has not been cleansed of their sins will face the eternal wrath of God to a place called hell.

    A couple of weeks ago, we started a study of the Letter to the Romans. We noted that the main message of the letter is the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please open your Bibles to Romans Chapter 1…. look with me v16-17…. God through the Apostle Paul declares what the Gospel, the Good more

  • 4. God’s Way Or The Highway?

    Contributed on May 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God gives a gift, which is the Gospel of Christ, but allows people to choose to either live by faith with this Gospel or live away from God.

    How many of you know what brainwashing is?? Brainwashing is the attempt to change the thoughts and beliefs of another person against their will. This is done by controlling the results of certain actions or by drugs. Do you think God wants to brainwash people? Let’s answer this by reviewing more

  • 5. Do We Have A Right To Judge Others?

    Contributed on May 31, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Only God is righteous and therefore the only one who has a right to judge!

    How can people know God?? There are many ways how God reveals Himself but the three main ways God reveals Himself is through Jesus Christ, His Creation (the entire Universe), and yes of course through His Word, the Bible. Now, What do you think God looks for in people?? Basically, God more

  • 6. God Is Always Looking At The Heart

    Contributed on Jun 7, 2010

    God desires a relationship with people and we are to have a relationship with God, but when we brag about our relationship with God we are elevating ourselves above everyone else which is a sin!

    How many of you believe that God desires a relationship with people? Why would God create people if He doesn’t want a relationship with them? Now, is it right or wrong to brag about a relationship with God? When one brags about a relationship with God, is the focus on God or self?? more

  • 7. What’s God’s Law For?

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2010

    As Christians, living out God’s Law starts with our decision to say no to sin and yes to God and by putting on the full armor of God!

    Have you ever wondered, “Why would God create people when He knew they would go against Him?” Here’s a question that is somewhat related; “Why would God choose a people and give His Laws to them when God knew they would disobey?” The answer of course is always in the Bible! Please open your more

  • 8. Abraham -

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2010

    Christian faith is a decision to believe and trust in Jesus Christ so complete, that actions result from it.

    We continue our study of the Letter to the Romans. We noted that the society in Rome 2000 years ago was like America today. The letter is quite applicable to us today. We also noted that the main message of the letter is the Gospel of Jesus Christ & how Christianity is to be lived out. Please more

  • 9. How Are People Before Christ Saved?

    Contributed on Jun 28, 2010

    Faith in the reality of Messiah Jesus Christ is the same as Abraham’s faith in the Promised Messiah.

    We noted last week from Romans 4:1-12 that Abraham is the “father” of faith. Faith, belief and trust in God with his heart, made Abraham righteous in God’s sight. Please open your Bibles to Matthew 8:11………. Abraham will be in heaven! The Israelites of old were more

  • 10. Fight The Good Fight Of Faith

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    In order for us to fight the good fight of faith and bring back this country to the original intent of the Founding Fathers, we must have peace, hope, and be able to stand on truth!

    We began this morning with the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the more

  • 11. Rejoice In The Lord Always

    Contributed on Jul 13, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Joy in the Lord is to be understood, received, and experienced and we are to do this always!

    What’s the opposite of joy?? The opposite of joy is misery. Which do you prefer, to rejoice or to be miserable? What does God want for us? Christians are commanded to rejoice! Philippians 4:4 tells us, Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice! Does this mean Christians are more

  • 12. What Reigns In Our Lives?

    Contributed on Jul 19, 2010

    Every person has been stained with Adam’s sin and death, but every person has been given the gift of Jesus Christ who brings forgiveness and eternal life.

    What did the first man Adam bring to us?? Through Adam we have life on earth! But did God create Adam just for a life on earth? God created Adam to be an eternal being! Through Adam we have eternal life to face as well. And yes, because of his sin against God, Adam brought death to life on earth more

  • 13. Baptism?

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2010

    Water baptism is a public proclamation of one’s belief in Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and rose from the dead personally for them.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day right here at the shores of Lake Michigan! This is the day and the place that the Lord has made for you and me! Praise God?? Rejoice!! Today is a good day to do a baptism! But why is it that there are so many differing thoughts about baptism? Some baptize more

  • 14. Alive In Christ! Alive With Christ!

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians died with Christ, therefore they live and will live with Christ on earth and forever!

    If someone asks you, “where in the Bible does it say that the Gospel saves souls?”, which passage would you tell them?? Please open your Bibles to 1 Corinthians 15….. Read along with me verses 1-6…………… Verses 3-6 of 1 Corinthians 15 tell us more

  • 15. Slaves To Righteousness

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    If we choose sin to be the master of our lives, we will produce dead fruit; but if we choose Jesus Christ the master of our lives, we will bear godly fruit (beauty, nourishment, pleasure, and expansion of God’s Kingdom)!

    There is only One God but exists in three persons! What is the Title we give to God the Father? We say Heavenly Father don’t we? What is the title we give to God the Spirit? We appropriately say Holy Spirit! What is the Title we give to Jesus Christ the Son of God?? We call Jesus more

  • 16. Dealing With Our Sinful Nature

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2010

    God tells us to be “obligated” to Him not because God needs us but because God loves us and knows what’s best for us!

    We continue our study of the Letter to the Romans. Through the Apostle Paul, God spoke to the Christians in Rome 2000 years ago, but much of this letter is applicable to all Christians, especially for those of us here in America. Before reading our passage today, which is Romans 7:7–8:17, let us more

  • 17. Christians Are To Live In Hope

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians are to live in elpizo hope; always expecting and anticipating the glory of God to happen!

    How many of you have heard the term “Health and Wealth Gospel” or “Prosperity Gospel”?? This type of “gospel” basically states that once you believe in Jesus Christ, everything will go well with you. This “gospel” will state that if you’re poor or sick, you must be weak in your faith! This more

  • 18. God Is At Work For Christians

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2010

    God is continually at work to perfect the Christian, but the questions is, "Is the Christian resisting?"

    We continue our study of the Letter to the Christians in Rome 2000 years ago. We have noted that Romans Chapters 6-8 describe who Christians are. Rom 6:8-14 Alive in Christ and alive with Christ! Rom 6:15-7:6 Christians are slaves to Righteousness! Rom 7:7-8:17 Christians have 2 natures more

  • 19. Christians Are More Than Conquerors

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians can overcome anything because 1. God is for them!, 2. God has given them everything they need!, 3. God sees them perfect in Christ!, 4. Jesus is always praying for them!, and 5. God’s love will never fail for them!

    Show “swoosh logo”…… What does this stand for?? Does anyone know what NIKE means?? Basically, Nike is Greek for victor! Now, did you know that NIKE is in the Bible? Look at the front of your bulletin. Our Scripture of the Week is Romans 8:37. Let us commit to memorize this verse. Let us more

  • 20. God Loves Israel

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2010

    God loves Israel but only a remnant will be saved!

    Please open your Bibles to the Letter to the Romans. We continue our study of this wonderful letter to the church in Rome 2000 years ago. This letter is very much applicable to us today here in America. Read along with me the opening passage, Romans 1:1-7……. And so we can note that the letter more

  • 21. What’s Wrong With Religion?

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Being religious for the sake of self-worth is detestable to God because God looks at the heart.

    Please grab a Bible. This is how God directly speaks to us. Let’s start by looking at the Gospel of Luke chapter 21:1-4... Giving money to the church is the religious thing to do isn’t it? But what can go wrong with doing a religious thing?? Being religious for the sake of self-worth is more

  • 22. Completely Trust God!

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2010

    If Jesus Christ promises all the riches in heaven, is that really impacting our lives on a daily basis?

    Have you seen that commercial for ipads? Those things amaze me! You can actually point your ipad to the sky and it will tell you which star and constellation you are looking at! Amazing! But let me ask a basic question: How does the Bible start?? In the beginning ……..! Why is it that we get more

  • 23. Arrogant Branches?

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2010

    If we believe in Jesus Christ and His church, then we are to continue to depend and be spiritually nourished by Jesus Christ and nothing else.

    Let me start with a question. Can a person become a citizen of the United States then ignore, even hate, the founding fathers of this country?? It’s happening now isn’t it? Because of secular humanism, which started with Darwin in the early 1900s, and because the word “God” can not be found in more

  • 24. Don’t Be A Zombie, Be A W:a-M-B!

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Worshiping God is a spiritual thing accomplished with body, mind, and attitude; don’t be a zombie, be a WAMB!

    We have been studying the Letter to the Romans; a letter by God to the Christian Church in Rome 2000 years ago. God of course used the Apostle Paul to write the Letter. We have noted so far that the letter has much to say about the foundations of the Christian faith and there were specific more

  • 25. Love Your Church Family

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    Yield to God the Holy Spirit, love your family starting with your immediate family, then your church family, then the world!

    Last week we noted from Romans 12:1-3 that we are not to be Christian Zombies, but be WAMBs: Worship God with our attitudes, our Minds, and our Bodies! How many of you had zombie moments last week? How many of us Christians had moments during the week when we didn’t think or act godly?? - notice more

  • 26. Dealing With Harsh People

    Contributed on Oct 25, 2010

    Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with God!

    Please open your Bibles to Romans 10. The first 11 chapters of Romans gave us the foundation for the Christian faith. Look at Romans 10:9………... Do you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your only Savior? Let us say this together: Jesus is my only Savior and Lord! In Romans 12-16, more

  • 27. Dealing With Governing Authorities

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2010

    We are to submit to our governing authorities unless we are asked to disobey God!

    How many of you are planning to vote this Tuesday?? If you’re not planning to vote this Tuesday and you are a citizen of the United States of America, guess what? God planned a message just for you today! No, I did not plan this (I’m not that good!); but as we are studying the Letter to the more

  • 28. Know God’s Clock!

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians are to know God’s Clock and live accordingly!

    If you didn’t turn your clocks back last night and you were here one hour early what would you have done?? Being at the wrong place at the wrong time is awkward isn’t it? Sadly, many Christians today are living their lives at the wrong place or at the wrong time or both. We have been learning more

  • 29. Christians Are To Live For The Lord

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Christians are to live for the Lord by belonging to the Lord and each other and by accepting each other and appreciating them by not being judgmental or argumentative.

    Last week we noted from the end of Romans 13 that Christians are to live at the right time and the right place. If Christians do not grasp the truth that Jesus Christ can return to earth at any time, they will not have the right motive or the right power to live! When we get up in the morning, we more

  • 30. Living In Hope And Unity

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    When we understand "elpizo" hope and live it out, we will be united and be able to build up one another!

    The Pilgrims left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620. Their destination? The New World! Although filled with uncertainty and peril, it offered both civil and religious liberty. For over two months, the 102 passengers braved the harsh elements of a vast storm-tossed sea. Finally, with firm more