
Summary: Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the mind are summarized as the lusts of the eyes.

Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience.

The symptoms of that disease in the mind are summarized as the lusts of the eyes.

Lusts of the eyes:

>Envy: painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage

Symptoms of Envy (Words people often use related to envy)

ache (for), covet, crave, desire, die (for), hanker (for or after), hunger (for), itch (for), long (for), lust (for or after), pant (after), thirst (for), want, wish (for), yearn (for), yen (for), salivate

When these terms are used in reference to others’ possessions, they can subtly reveal the sin of envy in the heart.

Emotions stoked by Envy: animosity, enmity, hatred, ill will, malice, maliciousness, spitefulness

If you are aware of such emotions concerning someone it is time to examine conscience: are these emotions stimulated by envy?


>a) marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions (or for another's possessions); b) an intense selfish desire for wealth or possessions

Symptoms of covetousness (Words people often use describing covetousness)

materialistic, possessive, piggish, craving, desire, driven, hankering, itch, longing, pining, ravenous, yearning, yen, egotistic, self-centered, self-interest, selfish, self-regard

When these terms are descriptive of one’s attitudes, they can reveal the sin of covetousness in the heart.

Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, Nor are the eyes of a person ever satisfied. - Proverbs 27:20

In light of these go back to your rating done in Session 2 and prayerfully re-rate yourself if necessary:

MAN: in IMAGE OF God: MEASURE (of this hindrance)


Next time – the Aid/antidote to the lusts of the eyes!

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