
Summary: Jesus says the religious leaders are faking faith, s let not fake faith.

“Don’t Fake Faith” Matthew 23:1-12

1. We have heard this somewhere before haven’t we “Fake News”. In our text today Jesus gets the idea there is some folks who are Faking Faith

• In this Gospel of Matthew Jesus denounces the scribes and Pharisees they “tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others” “They do all their deeds to be seen of others”vs 5

• They “love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces” (vv. 6-7).

• The Scribes and Pharisees say all the right things, but they do not do them according to Jesus they are Hypocrites, Frauds, Fakes.

2. Jesus strongly feels there are some who are Faking their Faith in God.

• Jesus is saying some say, “God is their Father but its apparent there seems to be more than one Father

• For the religious leaders it seems as though the Law was their Father

• Prestige was their Father, and Fame was their Father according to Jesus 5 “They do all their deeds to be seen by others, for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long.

• We may ask our souls who is our Father? Is it sports, leisure, and selfishness

• It is so hard to let God be our Father 9 “And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father,

3. Jesus wants us to be weary of anyone who claims to be of Faith yet their actions say other wise

• The religious leaders said otherwise they appeared to be very religious but actions say otherwise the text says, “They don’t practice what they teach”.

• They set in Moses seat the place of authority they tie up burdens on the people, they love to set at the table of honor, they love being greeted as Rabbi

• Actions speak louder than words Gene Biggs said, “She rather see a sermon than hear one” People say they love God but rarely are they in house of Faith, they don’t attend worship services, they probably don’t pray, they probably don’t read Bible, they complain but never have a resolution to a problem, they refuse to humble themselves to agree with something that is different from their opinion. That my friend is Fake Christianity

4. Faking Faith is what Jesus calls Hypocrisy Some call these folks pretenders, (Group at Mullens called Pretenders)

• Pretenders one face appears to Love God and worship God the other Face whitewashed tomb dead on the inside

• Meaning Hypocrite a person who pretends to have virtues moral or religious believes, but do not actually have

• Dinah Pretended to Love Samson but she really loved Power

5. Faking Faith is being a Fraud or one displays trickery

• Pharisees were full of Fraud they claimed they followed God but really followed false truths they prayed to be heard and never prayed for the people

6. Faking Faith is just Fake not real it is a counterfeit Pharisees were just fake not real

• Let’s get real about our Faith and lets start getting close to God

• Let’s start attending all services if possible

• Let’s get real about Faith and become a servant leader putting the needs of others ahead of ours.

• One scholar said, “We do not succeed by serving ourselves, we succeed by serving others. A life of service requires diligent, honest effort. There is no faking with God.”

• The Pharisees were not evil people,They were not enemies of Jesus they just didn’t really know him.

• Jesus didn’t hate them he held them accountable he did criticize their hypocrisy Jesus want each of us to be people of integrity not fake.

7. Finally, let’s not Fake Faith, but let our faith be genuine, be faithful, be true servants of Jesus

• Let’s be honest with ourselves are we really true servants? If were not lets change and take on the life of a real disciple.

• Jesus did, He worshiped God instead of money and he focused His ministry on healing, helping and feeding the most vulnerable people around him . Honest and justice mattered to Jesus and he practiced these virtues in everything he said and did.

• As Christians, our challenge is not to Fake It, instead it is to speak the truth, walk in truth, treat others fairly, and let’s humble ourselves so our Faith will be exalted.

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