
Summary: This is a narrative sermon of the story of Joseph.

Can you imagine the fear and anxiety that his brother’s must have felt at that moment? They must have wondered what Joseph was going to do to get back at them for selling him into slavery? But over the years, God gave Joseph the strength to put the past behind him, and forgive his brothers. He told them to go back and to bring his father Jacob, back to Egypt with them. He wanted them to come live in the land of Egypt until the famine was over.

His response to their fear was remarkable. His vision and understanding of the providence of God was amazing. He said, "Do not worry about the fact that you sold me into slavery. God sent me here to save the lives of many. What’s more, he sent me here to save your lives. So it was not you who sent me here. God did! And he made me a ruler over all of Egypt. So, don’t give it another thought, go get my Father, Jacob, and bring him, along with the rest of your families back with you.

They did just that, and they lived happily in the land of Egypt. But then their father Jacob died. And his brothers were once again fearful of what would happen to them. They came before Joseph trembling with fear, said, "Please forgive us the evil that we did to you." When Joseph heard them he wept and said; "Do not be afraid. For am I in God’s place? You meant evil against me but God meant it for Good." You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. That statement is an affirmation of Joseph’s faith and the power and purpose of Almighty God.

What about you? Do you believe God can take evil and turn it into good? Is your faith strong enough to believe that God can make something good come out of the bad circumstances in your life? Is your faith strong enough to believe that God can turn the evil that has been done to you, into something good?

It takes A Strong Faith to believe that no problem or situation is so bad that our God cannot somehow use that for His purposes and His glory. The Apostle Paul experienced this in his own life, which was why He was able to say with confidence, "And We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Conclusion: When the Roman Soldiers and the Jewish Religious leaders crucified Jesus Christ, They meant it for Evil, But God meant it for Good. God allowed His only begotten son, to be crucified on the cross, so that our sins would be atoned for, and so we could receive the gift of Eternal life. Prayer


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