Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Some people go through Easter like "Jesus died and rose -- so what?" Today, I want to give you the HOPE that comes with knowing the SO WHAT... *HANDOUT INCLUDED*

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How Easter Gives Hope For Your Life

What does Easter mean?

A friend who asked me during my dad’s sermon “What is “the Resurrection?”

A child told the story of Easter, right up to the end, and finished with, “And if He sees His shadow, we have six more weeks of winter.”

A child was asked: What were Jesus’ first words when he came out of the tomb? Her answer: “Ta-DA!”

Easter is not about Easter bunnies. (Nothing wrong with Easter egg hunts, etc. . . We had one yesterday!) But that’s not the point of Easter.

The story of a youth pastor who was speaking to teens. “Jesus died and rose for you!” Someone spoke up and said, “SO?!” That’s the way a lot of people go through Easter – Jesus died and rose. . . SO?

Today, I’m here to give you the “so what.” Easter gives HOPE for your life!

Hope is a powerful thing!

Rats: Two groups were put into water, and had to swim to stay alive. One group was left in and never taken out. They drowned in about 1 hour. The other group, every time they showed signs of being so tired they were going to drown, they were taken out for a few seconds. Then they were placed back into the water again. Those rats kept swimming for almost 24 HOURS! Why? Because they had HOPE that they might be rescued!

If you’ve got hope, it will keep you through all kinds of difficulties in your life, because you know there’s hope on the other side of problems!

I’m here today to give you hope. . .

Easter is the day we celebrate Jesus life, death and especially his Resurrection from the dead! He didn’t stay dead – He ROSE again! Easter is the most hope-filled day of the whole year. Let me give you three ways that Easter gives hope for your life:

1. Jesus’ life says he understands you.

Hebrews 4:15 “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

Hebrews 2:18 “For since He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.”

I talk to people every day who are going through tough times. They’ve been tempted. . .

Hurt by someone. . .

Betrayed by family. . .

Abused. . .

Lonely. . .

Afraid. . .

I know there are people going through those things today.

You may feel like no one understands what you’re going through. But I’ve got wonderful news for you! Jesus’ life says that God stepped out of heaven, and into human problems. He stepped into human temptations, burdens, hurts and loneliness.

Boy who bought the crippled puppy because he was crippled, and said, “I think he needs someone who understands.”

So, here’s what I’ve got to tell you: When you feel down, you’ve got someone you can go to who understands when you pour your heart out to him. He understands when you cry.

2. Jesus’ death says he loves you.

Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

“Father, forgive them. . .”

There had been an escape @ Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp. For every escaped prisoner, they would round up 10, and starve them to death. As they read off the 10 names, one began to sob for his wife and children. (Gajowniczek)

Maximilian Kolbe, dying for the man with a family @ Auschwitz. Every August 14th, he goes back to Auschwitz to say “Thank You.”

Jesus’ death shouts an amazing message to you:

“I would rather die in your place than live without you.”

SONG: Oh, How He Loves You And Me

3. Jesus’ Resurrection says he can change you.

- He gives you a brand new start.

“...just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

- He gives you power to live right.

“Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up Jesus and will also raise us up by His power.” (1 Corinthians 6:13-14)

I’m probably talking to someone who says, “I can’t be different. I’ll never conquer my problems, hang-ups and sins.” I’m here to ask you to change your mind this morning!

If God can raise Jesus from the dead, (which is impossible), then he can change YOU!

Let me address the question: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

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Philip Engle

commented on May 13, 2017

This is great! I like the simple clear conciseness of this message and it touches the heart. Keep up the great work my brother.

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