
Summary: This is a sermon from a series I preached on Nehemiah.

Title: 4 Important Vows Script: Neh. 10

Type: Expost./series Where: GNBC 3-22-15

Intro: I recently heard story of a man who bought a beautiful parrot, but sadly when got home, found out had a terribly foul mouth! Could swear for minutes on end w/o repeating itself! Owner tried to appeal. No change. Finally, got so irritated grabbed and shook it. Only caused bird to go ballistic. Threw the bird into the cupboard. Even worse explosion of vitriol! Clawing and scratching and cursing. Owner lost control of self, snatched the bird and tossed into the freezer! Cursing and banging for 2 minutes and then all went silent! Owner thought bird had heart attack or died. Consciene-stricken, opened the freezer door. To the man’s surprise, parrot quietly walked out and onto the man’s outstretched arm. I am very sorry and repentant for my bad language. I am resolving as of now to never speak in such a vile way for as long as I live. I vow I will never speak to you in such a way again. Please forgive me. Man was astonished, could not believe the transformation that had come over the bird in the freezer. Parrot turned to the man and said, “I just have one question…what did the chicken do?!” Now, this morning we are going to learn about several important vows the people of God made in Neh. 10.

Prop: Today we’ll realize 4 important vows the people of God made in Nehemiah’s day.

BG: 1. Although had not been thrown in freezer, had felt sting o God’s Word in chap. 8&9

2. 9:38 – see that people are convicted of their sin and make a “binding agreement” to follow the Lord, wholeheartedly. Actually put in writing and seal upon it, making it a binding oath before the Lord. Those who agreed w/ covenant have names written down in 10:1-27.

3. Bible contains many example of people making vows and covenants with God, only to break later on. Are vows good today? Yes, vows help us focus. “I am going to invite my neighbor to Easter services.” Also, good because allow us to express our love. Do this in wedding services. Even if we are unfaithful it is important to remember that God is a covenant keeping God!

Prop: Examing Neh. 10 we’ll notice 4 important vows people of Nehemiah’s time made towards God that we would do well to emulate today.

I. 1st Vow: Submission to the Word of God. Neh. 10:29

A. The People of God determined to Submit themselves wholeheartedly to the WOG!

1. The first step of investing in your Christian life is to become obedient to the WOG!

a. Notice the deadly seriousness with which the Jews of Nehemiah’s time made such an oath. Look: v. 29 – “taking on themselves both a curse and an oath…” I know a lot of Christians as well as non Christians who want to make deals with God. If God does “x” for me, I will do “Y” for Him. However, I know very few that say, “I will do “X” for You, and if I fail to do that you can hammer me with…” There is a seriousness in this commitment!

b. Illust: In 1912 about 500,000 men and women from Northern Ireland signed “Ulster Covenant”, many in their own blood, saying that they were willing to lay down their very lives to fight against Home Rule if the British Gov. sought to declare a totally independent Ireland! That is commitment! Our own founders, in the Declaration of Independence were signing a covenant of sorts that would have terrible repercussions for many!

2. Israel makes a binding oath before the Lord.

a. Illust: If you look back to Num. 30:2 you will find the law governing oaths: "If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” Israel had not had a very good history in keeping their oaths before God. In Ex. 24 the Israelites promise to do “everything the Lord has said.”, yet in less than 6 weeks from the event these same people will fashion a golden calf and worship it!

b. In Neh. 10 the people of God are saying that they are seriously submitting themselves to the will and WOG, so much so that they are willing to have the curse of God fall upon them if they are unwilling to obey! That is what I call “dangerous devotion”! Are we that devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ, today? I know I am not. What about you? Are you and I willing to be?

B. Christians today will honor God by vowing to Submit their lives to the WOG.

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