
Summary: The fourth message in a series on Nehemiah.

Title: “Getting to Work” Script: Neh. 4

Type: Series Where: GNBC Feb. 1, 2015

Intro: Are you familiar with Murphy’s Law? The original “Murphy” was an engineer who conducted an experiment to test human acceleration tolerances. Unfortunately for him, he installed 16 motion sensors the wrong way, leading to the now famous quotation, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” I guess the corollary is also true: “If anything can’t go wrong, it will anyway.” As we come to Nehemiah 4, everything seems to be going wrong all at once. In chapter one we looked at how Nehemiah prayed, in chapter two we saw how God moved him from the prosperity of Persia to the desolation of Jerusalem. Chapt. 3, we were introduced to the wall workers and discovered that in kingdom work, no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. But when we come to chapter 4, things start to get more complicated for Nehemiah. Mr. Murphy shows up and reminds Nehemiah that when everything seems to be going well, you’ve obviously overlooked something!

Prop: In Neh. 4 we’ll notice 4 exhortations that will help us work for the Lord!

BG: 1. Ezra had come 13 yrs. prior to Nehemiah. Came to rebuild temple. Neh. Came for defense

2.Chap.3 shows us who built wall. Might think went up w/o a snag. Nope. Never the case!


Prop: Looking at Neh.4 we’ll notice 4 exhortations so as to work for the Lord!

I. God’s People Must be Prepared for Opposition. Vv. 1-3,4-5

A. God’s people need to expect derision from those who oppose their work.

1. Nehemiah records the negative response of those who did not want to see this work succeed.

a. We read in the v. 1 that Sanballat the Horonite hears that the work is progressing and becomes furious and angry and mocks the Jews while attempting to encourage other enemies to oppose and oppress. Listen to the insults: “Can they finish in a day?” (No stamina or strength or resources.) “Can they revive the stones?” (Limestone – when burned with fire became brittle and no integrity and crumble.) Another “jackal”, Tobiah the Ammonite begins to ridicule: “If a fox would jump up on the wall it would fall down.” (No strength and integrity of design.)

b. Illust: You know what this reminds me of? The old playground bullies who have been bullying a kid for a few years. Always gonna make themselves feel better by making someone else into their verbal or physical punching bag. But you know what, every dog has his/her day! Here the Jews, after decades of decay and defeat, are going to have theirs! It’s like the kid who has been bullied and then starts hanging out with Chuck Norris and then one day the bullies come around again and whammy!

2. You see, the Jews of that Region had allowed themselves to be immobilized by these Bullies.

a. v.2 – The people are immobilized by these harsh words and the corresponding fear. Notice, there was no attack. There was no actual physical violence. Problem was that this was the behavior these Jews had learned. If you look at this way, it had been about 150 years since Babylon had destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC and taken away the wealthiest members of the community. It had been 13 years since Ezra had returned to rebuild the temple. Yet still, the matter or the city’s defense had not been taken up. Made easy targets for everyone wanting to keep them down.

b. Friend, possibly you are here today, immobilized by fear. Maybe it is the past. Maybe it is hurtful words. Maybe it is a habit you cannot seem to gain any victory over. Maybe you are being held hostage from experiencing your potential and success because you are still being made to feel inferior or inadequate or unable. Dear one, turn to Jesus Christ! He loves you. He died for you! He can provide for you! He can can forgive your past and give you a bright, new future! “If any man is in Christ he is a new creature, behold the old is gone, the new is come.” (II Cor. 5:17)

B. The Results of Listening to Such Derision was that Nehemiah had Demoralized Workers.

1. Nehemiah had to address the emotional demoralization that the people faced.

a. Emotionally, the people with who Nehemiah was working were discouraged. What does “discouraged” mean? To be deprived of courage, to be disheartened, to lose confidence or enthusiasm.” These Jews were discouraged. Lost all hope. Lost all momentum and enthusiasm. Needed a new leader to come in and turn the mindset. In the Church today, many faithful workers are completely demoralized. The rate of pastor resignations for depression is absolutely staggering today. May be workers in the church. Part of why we took surveys. Where are you serving and where would you LIKE to serve.

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