Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Exposition of Responsibility

Text: Esther 2:5-7, Title: Responsible for a Deliverer, Date/Place: NRBC, 1.20.13, AM

A. Opening illustration: Voddie Baucham video, hopefully Keith and Joanna Daniels, NLCH kid video instead

of announcements

B. Background to passage: the nutshell version of the story of Esther is that the Jews were imprisoned in a

foreign land, and there was a plot hatched to eliminate all the Jews. Queen Vashti’s attitude had gotten her

kicked out, and Esther, because God had showed out on her, got to be the queen. Esther had to approach the

king with an invitation (which was forbidden and dangerous) in order to plead for the Jews. Mordecai her

cousin and adoptive father told her that God had placed her there for such a time as this for the deliverance

of the Jews. She did, the King changed the decree, Hymen was hanged, and the Jews were delivered. So in

a sense, Mordecai was responsible for the deliverance of the nation because he took in an orphan that would

eventually save the Jewish people. Mordecai and Ester were there for such a time as this.

C. Main thought: For evangelicals, adoption is a proper response to the sanctity of human life and ending

abortion. One author even called it, “the other half of the fight for life.”

A. Preserve Human Life

1. Give some of the stats on Abortion. Speak to its heinous life ending reality. Speak about aiding the cause

of erasing the need for abortion. And of course the underlying factor to that is that every life is sacred,

created in the image of God. Adoption gives people options. It is part of the solution rather than other

preventatives. It is an alternative.


Illustration: Kaitlann asking how they kill their babies, Pregnancy Care Center and Women’s First

Choice Medical Center is dedicated to erasing the need for abortion through effectively serving pregnant,

at-risk women by transforming their fear into confidence, arguments against abortion document,

Should we pursue legal means to end abortion? YES! Go to rallies, write our legislators, defend life

personally, YES, YES, YES!!! Roe v. Wade should be overturned. And we cannot in good conscience

vote for a person who consistently votes to allow the murder of children. Now if you did, maybe you

didn’t know. He is so slick that many didn’t ask. Don’t mean to be a one issue voter, and I have other

political opinions and biblical justification for them, but this issue is a life or death issue to 1.2 million

kids every year in the US, and 50 million a year in the world.

If there were enough believers who caught a vision of the sanctity of life to make people know it, young

women might realize that people will love their children. Usually convenience and finances are the

driving forces behind abortion, and having someone who will spend the money and bear the burden is

liberating from fear. What if every adoptable child was in that process and enough foster families were

ministering in Tift Co that the PCC could tell young ladies, “there is a waiting list of people here that want

to love and care for your baby.”





B. Care for Orphans

1. As believers we are called upon to visit (redeem or serve) orphans and widows. In fact we are told it

comprises true devotion to Christ. The bible is replete with verses describing God’s love and care for the

fatherless. And with the world, US, GA, and Tift County statistics on orphaned children, there is much

room for improvement.

2. James 1:27

3. Illustration: Merida and Morton have written a book called Orphanology, where they do a pretty good job

at marrying the ministry of caring for orphans to the great commission. I always wondered why I saw so

many international ministries that do children’s homes, and felt like the gospel was more important, but in

light of James 1:27, we are called to do it. “The deepest and strongest foundation for adoption is located

not in the act of humans adopting humans, but in God adopting humans. And this act is not part of his

ordinary providence in the world; it is at the heart of the Gospel.” -Piper

4. It is your responsibility! It is our responsibility. We need to exhibit greater compassion. Complacency

and apathy is sinful because we are commanded to care for them. Care doesn’t simply mean meet needs,

it also carries with it the idea of empathy. The need is there, but we don’t notice it. Can you imagine not

having any family. Some of you probably can very well. Can you imagine being 18, aging out, and

having nowhere to go? Can you imagine not knowing the flies on your face were a bad thing? Never

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