
Summary: Our choices have consequence.

Do you know the punishment for bigamy?

Two mothers-in-law.

A pharmacist tells a customer, "I'm sorry sir but In order to buy arsenic you need a

legal prescription, not just a picture of your mother-in-law."

You know why Adam and Eve were the happiest couple in the

world? Because neither of them had a mother-in-law.

What is the difference between outlaws and in-laws? Outlaws are


Wife goes to the door: Oh, hi mom, I am so happy to see you. How long will you be staying?

Mother-in-Law: As long as you want me to...

Wife: What! You won't even stay for coffee?

Okay, that's enough. Y'all know I'm just joking. Mothers-in-law are great for jokes. But we are starting a new sermon series this week on a book of the Bible that is about the relationship between a woman and her mother-in-law whom she loved very much. Well, at first read, it looks like the book is about these two women but it is actually about...David. It is actually about...Jesus. It is actually about the providence of God.

It is a beautiful little book. It's only four chapters long but you will enjoy this book, especially if you enjoy love stories. I know some of you do. I know some of you enjoy Hallmark movies. I don't get that at all. They have like three plots and twelve actors and they have made a thousand movies that are all alike, but if that's what you like, good for you. But this story is way better.

Benjamin Franklin--as you know, one of the fathers of our country--was also the ambassador to France. And, when in France, he was a member of a literary society, and they were giving different readings and so forth. Ben Franklin, without letting this agnostic literary society know where he had gotten it, shared with them the love story of Ruth. They were astounded. They said to him, "Dr. Franklin, that is beyond a doubt the most beautiful romance we've ever heard. Would you give us leave, please, that we might have it published and give it broad distribution?" He said, "It is already published, and it already has broad distribution. It is found in the Bible, that book that you profess to despise"--this wonderful story of Ruth that is found here, in the Bible. (Adrian Rogers, It's Decision That Determines Destiny)

So, go ahead and grab your copy of scripture and turn to the Old Testament book of Ruth. Ruth is between the books of Judges and 1 Samuel. We don't know for sure who wrote the book of Ruth but it was evidently written after the period of the judges. It's important to know that because it gives the context and the background of the story.

The time of the judges isn't talked about a lot but if you have your Bible open to the first chapter of Ruth, just go one page back to the last chapter and the last verse of the book of Judges and you will see something that will help you understand this book. Judges 21:25 says, "In those days, Israel had no king. Everyone did as he saw fit."

Now, for some of us freedom-loving rednecks, that sounds pretty good, right? Just leave me alone and let me do what I wish. Country boy can survive! But I assure you it was not as pleasant as it sounds. It was a dark time. Anarchy, apathy, apostasy. Sin was the only thing running free and everybody was miserable. If you have ever spent any time away from God, you know the feeling. You think you have great freedom but inside you are miserable. Well, this was on a national scale.

And, right in the midst of that dark, dark day, God gives us this wonderful four-chapter Book of Ruth, which reminds us that God is still alive; He is still on the throne. He is still in control and He still loves us. Adrian Rogers said, "I believe we're living in a dark day, but I refuse to despair, as long as there's a God in Glory. And books like the Book of Ruth tell us that, no matter how dark the day, there is always the star of hope in that dark sky. And God is the One who pulls back the curtains of night, and pins those curtains with the star of hope, and opens the gates of our lives, and floods it with His life and His glory. And, if you are discouraged today, let me tell you there is hope for you. And, if you will do what Ruth did and yield your heart to the Lord, He will make your life a love story. And, you can be part of a dramatic and wonderful love story, just like Ruth's life was a part of a dramatic and wonderful love story."

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