Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: This is the second in a series of sermons I preached on the Beatitudes.

Title: The Beatitudes Part II Script: Mt. 5:6-8.

Type: Series Where: GNBC 1-21-18

Intro: In 1965, The Rolling Stones went from being just another band to one of the most popular bands of all times with the release of the song“ I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”- I try and I try and I try and I try, but I can’t get no satisfaction. It was about trying to find happiness thru money, power, possessions, relationships, etc. The song expressed what most people feel- “no matter how much of any of these things you have/experience it is never enough-you always yearn for more.” ** The song echoes the life experience of Solomon in Ecclesiastes. He talked about all of the possessions and experiences life has to offer and he came to the conclusion that “Everything is vain” pointless/empty. Here, though, in the Sermon on the Mount and particularly in the Beatitudes, Jesus gives us a recipe for finding joy and happiness in life. He gives us the ways to be “blessed”- deliriously happy.

Prop: Let’s examine 3 more of Xst’s Beatitudes so as to see the ultimate source of happiness.

BG: 1. Again, not for special class of Christians, but all Christians at all times.

2.”Beatitude” – blessings/how blessed

3. Annually, this is one of the most loved passages read and preached on by Christians.

Prop: Let’s examine together the next three of Christ’s Beatitudes.

I. The Blessing of Pursuing Righteousness. V. 6

A. Christ Calls us to Pursue Righteousness

1. Christ clearly gives us direction as to what we should pursue with our lives.

a. What are you pursuing in your life this morning? Most people attempt to live according to the US Declaration of Ind. “"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" The phrase gives three examples of the "inalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect. Many people spend their entire lives in an endless pursuit of happiness/pleasure. Some people seeking justice for others or selves. Some Christians go from one experience to another. Seking higher spiritual high. However, the WOG says here, that we are to pursue “Righteousness”

b. “righteousness” – Has to do with the claims of a higher authority. If Christian, this Higher Authority is God and His Word. If secular, it is the Law of the State. Who or what is your standard? This question allows us to see if we are “righteous” or not. Many today reject the notion of God and that He has a standard. Many of these individuals live upright and law abiding lives. Are they righteous? Maybe according to the laws of society, but not according to the Laws of a Higher Authority, the Law of God. Jesus is saying to us to pursue God with single minded ambition.

2. What motivates you and me as disciples of Jesus?

a. Are you a Christian? Are you hungering and thirsting for righteousness? We have already seen our need to be poor in spirit, need to mourn our lost and sinful condition, need to be humble. When we seek after righteousness, we automatically do that. We have a more positive and grateful outlook, we mourn over our sin and the sin of our society, we deal more gently with other and our lives demonstrate humility instead of arrogance. Once we are convicted of our sin we begin to seek the solution: hungering and thirsting after His righteousness. Here is the secret to life: Those who seek after God are satisfied, those who don’t, aren’t. Illust: What do people seekin hopes of satisfying? Two weeks ago, CR Gaz ran an excellent article written by and about Hannah Frazee, who was a standout runner at CR Prairie and competitor against Mary in HS. Frazee open and honest about trap pursuit of athletic success became in her life. Success led to a desire for greater success. Focus fell onto food and resulted in eating disorders that initially gave her short term success, but also nearly killed her. Thank God she has gotten help and is doing better. However, important principle to learn: Whatever we hunger and thirst after in a disproportionate place before God will ultimately be our own undoing. Why? Put it in the place of God and becomes an idol. “Seek ye 1st His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

b. The great motive of the world is “happiness” or blessedness. Yet, according to Jesus we are not to hunger and thirst after happiness or blessedness. However, this is the one main focus most people have in life and the end result is that by pursuing it, we always miss it. Always eludes us. Illust: Past week I realized my prayers for my children have been wrong. Instead of asking God to bless my children, I should ask God to give them a hunger and a thirst for righteousness sake.

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