  • Dwight Clough

    Contributing sermons since Dec 29, 2012
Dwight's church

The Easy Bible & Dwight Clough Ministries
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590

About Dwight
  • Education: I was the graduating class speaker (selected by audition) at Moody Bible Institute in 1978, graduating in pastoral studies (Greek emphasis). My continuing education includes advanced training in inner healing prayer ministry.
  • Experience: The Easy Bible Volumes One, Two and Three, Author The Gift of Transformation, Author Weathering Storms, Author Amazing Faith (Moody), Coauthor The Blue Collar Prophet, Author You Snooze, You Lose, Editor Turnaround Ministry Leadership, Editor National Award Winning Writer, Ghostwriter, Author, Editor I've been published alongside Mother Theresa, O Henry, Charles Dickens. I did a Google search today and discovered that I'm the coauthor of a book I didn't even know I had written ...
  • Family: I met my wife, Kim, when we were both students at Moody Bible Institute in the 1970s. We were married in 1978, and have four children ages 14 to 21. At this writing, our oldest is getting ready to enroll in a Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School in Perth, Australia. Our family lives in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, USA.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My dad has passed on, but my mom was the one who believed I was doing great when I first started, even though, in truth, I was horrible. After a while, I started believing her, and--big surprise--I improved.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Spend half of your prep time praying for the people who will hear the message. Focus on what's right with God, not on what's wrong with people. Remember to tell your congregation (1) who they are (in Christ), (2) where we're going (vision), (3) why we're going there, (4) how we're going to get there, and (5) what progress we're celebrating - what they did right.
  • Hobbies: I do like interesting movies as long as the protagonist is someone you can care about. And I enjoy long walks especially here in Wisconsin prairies and forests
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: You have inside you the spiritual DNA to change your world.
  • What I want on my tombstone: He walked with God
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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Child Of A King

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Imagine for a moment that you were a child in a super rich family. If you wanted a new car, it’s yours. If you wanted a week in Europe or in the South Pacific, no problem. For you, money is no object. Whatever you want is yours. Most of us will never be in that situation. But, in reality, we are more