Narinder Choranji
Contributing sermons since May 18, 2017
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Exodus 33 | The Presence Of God | Commentary | Devotional
Contributed on Nov 20, 2019
A Summaries and Lessons to be learned from the three sections of this chapter which highlights how we can experience the presence of God and how we can forsake it too.
Exodus 33:1-6 The command to leave Sinai / Stiff necked people SUMMARY Even though the Israelites had done wrong and were stiff necked and stubborn people. God still kept his promise that he gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But instead of leading the Israelites himself he sent an angel to lead ...read more
Exodus 34 | The Shining Face Of Moses | Commentary | Devotional
Contributed on Nov 18, 2019
How can you shine bright like a diamond.
After Moses spent time with God, Moses’ face shone and people knew that Moses had been with God, therefore they listened to God’s word from Moses. Here are three lessons to learn from this scripture: THE SECRET PLACE If we want to hear from God then we need to spend time on our own with God. A ...read more
Exodus 35 | The Artisans Called By God | Commentary | Devotional
Contributed on Nov 16, 2019
Practice and Perfect the gift within you then God will call you.
Read Exodus 35:30-35 God called the finest craftsman to do his work. God equipped these craftsman before he called them and they were very skilled at their craft. They were the best at their craft and God called them to use their skills for the building of his Church. Likewise, God has put his ...read more
Commentary On Lot - Why Did Abraham's Nephew Have A Bad Ending To His Life
Contributed on Nov 8, 2017
Lot began well but ended badly, how did this happen when his mentor was Abraham? There’s much to learn from Lot’s life.
** INTRODUCTION ** There are characters in the bible who started well and loved God but then in the end they turned away from God, such as Samson who gave into lust and Judas who gave into money. Lot also gave into money as we will see from this commentary. Lot's story is a sad one but we can ...read more
Commentary On Widow Of Zarephath
Contributed on Nov 8, 2017
In many cultures widows are never considered as strong, successful and influential women but God gives great honour to many widows in The Bible as they teach all humanity the deeper lessons of life by their simple acts of faith in God Almighty.
** INTRODUCTION ** The bible has many stories about widows: The widows oil of Zarephath - 1 kings 17:1-24 The widows offering – Mark 12:41-44 The widow of Nain - Luke 7:11-17 Jesus raises a widow’s son. Not sure why these ladies names were not given. But some were given the names of their ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Commentary On Exodus
Contributed on Nov 16, 2019
Hannah Cried To God
Contributed on Aug 18, 2017