  • Rev. Vethamuthu Sahariah

    Contributing sermons since Jun 10, 2021
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts (Social Science) Master of Arts (Public Administration) Bachelor of Divinity Master of Theology in Old Testament Diploma in Missiology Diploma in Christian Studies Diploma in Ambedkar Studies
  • Experience: Field Evangelism - 6 Years Teaching Ministry - 3 Years (Part-Time) Pastoral Ministry - 10 Years
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Newest Sermons

  • Identifying With Affected Covid 19 And Needy:

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2021

    The current situation challenges the Christian community, that we are facing many difficulties to meet one another. Because there is no regular church service. So in this context how can we relate with our co-fellow believers?

    Identifying with Affected COVID 19 and Needy: This evening I heard the news from one of my friends about the pandemic. Is it God's will? Why God allowed us. How can we understand this pandemic? All are sad and fatigue from hearing the death news of a closed one of us. Every morning our days more