  • Tawaunna Jones

    Contributing sermons since Oct 27, 2004
Tawaunna's church

Washington, District of Columbia 20002

About Tawaunna
  • Experience: Minister Tawaunna Jones is a writer/editor for the Anointed Path Newspaper and Street Sense Newspaper. In 1992, Tawaunna was called to preached the Gospel and in September 1997 she preached her licensed sermon. She earned a Degree of Fine Arts from the Paris Fashion Institute in Paris France and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Faith Bible College and Seminary; currently she is pursuing a Master of Divinity. God gave Minister Jones the vision of Godspiration, a non-profit organization that has the purpose to bring the Gospel to the shut-in, shutout, mentally and developmentally disable. Godspiration mission is to match Churches and Ministers with Group Homes, Day Programs, and families of the disabled, to bring the gospel to them. It is an innovative ministry that affirms the therapeutic power of Jesus Christ. Godspiration is currently holding Sewing Classes at Mt Calvary Family Life Center for the under-employed. Minister Jones hopes to incorporate her love for the gospel and her love of art and drama to bring glory to God, with products and plays that promote the Word of God. Tawaunna Jones was the Costume Designer for several theater productions such as The Lion and the Jewel, The Life of Jesus, Mary’s Baby, The Color Museum, and Color People’s Time to name a few. She has worked at the Arena Stage and the Folgers Shakespeare Theater on plays like McBeth, Richard the III, Merchant of Venice and Cleopatra. Minister Tawaunna L. Jones began sewing clothes for other people at the age of 12. She designed fashions under the name Senoj (Jones spelled backwards). In 1988 she was one of five women chosen from around the country, to receive the Entrepreneurship Award from the National Women’s Economic Alliance. Minister Jones biography was published in Risks and Rewards of Entrepreneurship, published by Ohio State University; a book intended to help student learn the importance of free enterprise and entrepreneurship.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Today is the day of salvation! Salvation is a free gift but you must accept it. Just say these words... God, I need you. I confess that I am not perfect and that I have sinned against you by breaking your laws. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that he rose from the dead. I accept Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. I accept the free gift of eternal life and your Holy Spirit which will guide me into all truth and empower me to turn from my sins. Come into my life and make me the person that you want me to be. Thank You for laying down your life for me. I place all my hope in you for the salvation of my eternal soul. Amen. Jesus said that there is rejoicing in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.(Luke 15:10)You now have the assurance of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before the world began. (Titus 1:2) Jesus will place your name in the book of life and he will confess your name before his Father and before his angels. (Revelation 3:5) Jesus says that he gives you eternal life, you will never die and no one can snatch you out of his hand.(John 10:28)
  • What I want on my tombstone: The Bride of Christ
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Newest Sermons

  • Do You Still Want It

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Joshua 14:6-13 Our text is dealing with the dividing of the land God promised to the children of Israel.

    Do You Sill Want It! Minister Tawaunna L. Jones Our text is dealing with the dividing of the land God promised to the children of Israel. God promised it to them when they were still in bondage. God said “He would take them to a land that was flowing with milk and honey. It would have cities more