  • Wincci Yin Chee

    Contributing sermons since May 30, 2006
Wincci's church

Fellowship Of the Cross
Johor Bahru, *Province/Other 80300

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  • The Presence Of God

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The presence of God is God Himself. the presence of God in your life is directly related to your relationship with God.

    Title: The Presence of God 16.06.06 I am excited that I can have a chance to share the word of God with you today. I am glad that your leader invited me here today. Because your leader invited me, so I come. Because I decided to come, that’s why I’m here to night. If he doesn’t invite me, I more

  • Worship

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    true worship continues when we are feeling –ve, worship continues when when we need to give up something in life especially something that is important and dear to us.

    Worship : Worship is about our RS with God: 1. You identify your ROADBLOCKS 2. Get rid of your EXCUSES 3. Don’t hide your PAIN 4. Express faith and experience the miracles of FORGIVENESS 4. Express faith and experience the miracles of FORGIVENESS Worship is about our lifestyle: 1. more

  • How To Meditate The Word Of God

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    Watch your thoughts; they become you words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    How to meditate the word of God: Perhaps one of the most neglected disciplines in the Christian life these days is that of Meditation. I believe that very few Christians have been taught how important it is to pay close attention to what they think about. Consider the following: more

  • The Meaning Of Discipleship

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Discipleship equals growth!!!

    The Meaning of Discipleship What is discipleship? -To the Greek, the process of discipleship is a way to pass down ideas, thingking…Example: Plato, Aristotle… -In modern days, discipleship taking place on city street corner. -Local drug pusher is a discipler the looking for a young more

  • Choices

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Is there any good choices that you have done in life?

    Youth Cell Sharing Title: U Have a Choice Have u ever wonder how should u live this life? Have u ever struggled between living for Christ and living according to the world’s standards? Let me tell u a story: Long before ur time, in America, there lived these 2 famous actors, named Edwin more

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