Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

Chief Justice of Supreme Court Humble Enough to Stand Next to a Chinese Laundryman

As Christians, we are to trust God the Holy Spirit by being completely humble. Let me share a story which gives us a picture of humility; maybe you will see yourself in this story:

When Charles Evans Hughes was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, he moved to Washington and transferred his membership to a church there. His father had been a minister, and Hughes had been a lifelong witness to his own faith in Christ.

It was the custom in that church to have all new members come forward during the morning service and be introduced to the congregation. On this particular day, the first to be called was a Chinese laundryman, Mr. Sing, who had moved to Washington from San Francisco and kept a laundry near the church. He stood at the far side of the pulpit. As others were called, they took positions at the extreme opposite side. When a dozen people had gathered, Mr. Sing still stood alone.

Then Chief Justice Hughes was called, and he significantly stood next to the laundryman.

How many Christians stood at the front of that Washington church that morning humble before God? Don’t you think God only counted 2? A simple Chinese Laundryman and a well educated powerful leader of America stood side by side, equal at the foot of the cross!

Christian humility says, “I am equal to everyone at the foot of the cross!” Humility is the opposite of selfish pride! Selfish pride builds up self to show off and look down at others. Be humble! Show off Jesus Christ not self!

From a sermon by Paul Clemente, Live a Life Worthy of Calling, 11/17/2009

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