Sermon Illustrations


John R. Rice told of five ways to get rid of your pastor that you might should think about.

1. Sit on the front pew, smile and say AMEN real loud.

Your pastor will preach himself to death.

2. Compliment your Pastor often, pat him on the back, brag on how well he is doing in the community and the church. Your Pastor will work himself

to death.

3. Increase your giving to the church so much that the Pastor will get a raise and a month’s vacation paid, your Pastor will go into shock and die.

4. Tell your pastor you are going to come to Sunday School every Sunday, and that you will be at every service. Tell him you will head of visitation to

the community, joyfully visit the widows and the orphans, and visit the rest home and the hospital several times a week.

This will immediately cause stress to his systems and you can go to the funeral home and visit him.

5. Come together in...

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