Sermon Illustrations

Just in case you might think that I’m making this up, I want you to know that this really did happen to me and that it is a TRUE STORY.....

I was recently browsing through the latest issue of Children’s Ministry magazine (back to front, an odd habit that I picked-up from my husband) and came across an interesting statistic. The magazine quoted that "chocolate bunnies should be eaten ears first, according to 74% of American children." Observing that I too have a politically correct, but very fashion conscious 8 11/12 year old daughter in my midst, I decided to put their "fact" to the test. So, I asked Claire which part of a chocolate bunny she thought should be eaten first? She pondered for a mere nanosecond and replied that the head should be eaten first. Okay, I thought, this is close , but not the same as eating the ears specifically. So I pressed the issue. "Which part of the head?" I asked. Without missing a beat, she replied "the mouth." Perplexed, I inquired as to why the mouth should be...

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