
Summary: God wants to hear from us and He wants us to listen closely to Him. Try some of these methods and see what a difference it makes in your prayer life.

So far on Wednesday nights we have looked in detail at preparing ourselves to pray. We have looked at Breath Prayer, Contemplative prayer, Disciplined or Centering Prayer. Tonight, I want to take just a few moments and talk about the Prayer of Examen and then just a little bit about Prayer walking.

The word Examen comes from the Latin word referring to a weight indicator on a balance scale, giving the impression of an exact or accurate assessment of a situation. So, examen prayer is an accurate evaluation of the experiences we have had during the day.

The Psalmist wrote in Ps. 139:1 – “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.”

Paul understood that the Spirit examined our hearts when he wrote in 1 Cor. 2:10 – “For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.”

The prayer of examen provides a way for us to discover where God shows up in our daily lives. It allows us to review our daily conversations, thoughts, feelings, reactions, impressions and experiences and discover where God was present, and where He was absent. As we use the prayer of examen, it can reveal to us both the difficulty, the ugly and on the other side, the wonderful and beautiful in our life.

Here is how to practice the Prayer of Examen.

1. Sit still, comfortably and quietly for a few moments and practice your centering prayer.

2. When ready, begin by asking yourself several reflective questions:

a. Where do I see God showing up in today’s activities?

b. Where was God absent, distant or quiet when I needed His help?

c. What activity gave me great energy, hope and a feeling of satisfaction today?

d. What activity caused me to be depressed, feel hopeless or low?

e. Notice how God is moving you to pray about these issues. What is He saying to you? Want you to do? Want you to change?

3. As you think about all of this, make a mental list of what excited you and gave you life, as well as what sapped and drained you.

4. Have a conversation with God about your experience and let Him know what it was like for you. Ask God to assist you in making any changes, alterations that come to mind.

5. You might find it helpful to journal your experience, what you have learned and what you need to change.

6. When you are finished, allow yourself a few moments to be quiet and still before beginning another activity Sit with God for a few moments and enjoy your relationship with Him.

This practice will help you to go through your day and analyze how to duplicate or change some of the things for your next day. It’s refreshing in that you are just sitting and talking to God.


Have any of you ever prayer walked? I have a lot. Here again it’s just you and God walking and talking. Now before you say I can’t walk much, prayer walking can either be a physical walk or a mental walk. It’s a great prayer method for those who are active and love to get up and go.

It’s a type of prayer that can be used anywhere you find yourself: at home, at the ball park, in the mall, at work, at a restaurant, in the neighborhood, or any geographical area that is a concern for you. A place that you like to hike.

Prayer walking is intercessory prayer for people, issues and concerns for those who are in the area you are highlighting. This is a very intimate moment, when you are very close to the Lord who loves to spend time with you.

Choose a place where you feel drawn and create a physical walk or a visual tour with the aid of internet maps. Here are some suggestions for prayer walking:

1. In your workplace you can walk through and pray for the people you see, their personal concerns, the burdens and joys they are experiencing. You can do this that they will never know you are praying for them unless you tell them.

2. Walk through your neighborhood and pray for the people living near you?

3. Choose a neighborhood school and consider the students, teachers, aids, custodial staff, and administrative staff. Pray for the teachers’ lesson plans, that God would use them mightily as a godly force in their students’ lives.

4. Pray for the ministries of your church by name. Pray for those who are traveling on mission trips, pray for those countries, cities, government leaders and Christian leaders.

5. Use Google Maps and choose an area of your city. Spend one week praying for that area and then choose a different area for several weeks in a row. Pray for the people living in the neighborhoods, that God would be honored in each family, business, and organization.

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