
Summary: Are you living expectantly for the return of the Master by laying up treasures in heaven?

Where Is Your Treasure?

Luke 12: 32 - 40

Intro: Long ago, in a kingdom far, far away, a rich king hired a “fool” to make him laugh when he was sad. He gave the fool a golden scepter and told him that when he met a greater fool than he, to pass the golden scepter to that person. The king grew very ill. As he neared death, the king called for his “fool” wanting to be made to laugh one last time. “I’m going on a very long journey,” said the king to the fool. The fool asked, “Have you made preparations and arranged for accommodations at your destination?” “No,” answered the king. “I didn’t think I would be leaving so soon.” The fool handed the king his gold scepter saying, “Sire, you are a greater fool than me since you have made no plans for your long journey.”

I VSS 32 – 33 Jesus give assurance and instructions.

A “Do not be afraid . . . “ A number of years ago a popular song was “Don’t Worry; Be Happy.” Easier said than done’ yet, this is exactly what Jesus says to us.

B We all worry, we are all afraid of something. We live constantly with the “What ifs” of life.

C What if there is a shooting while you are enjoying a concert? What if you get laid off, your kids or grandkids get caught up in drugs? WHAT IF?

II VS. 35 – “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning.” Are you ready? There is a difference between being the lookout and being on the lookout.

A If the teacher left the room when I was in high school, we would post a outlook to watch for their return so we could all do as we pleased while the teacher was gone.

B Most are not concerned about the return of the Teacher, Christ Jesus. After all, we have the Pastor as the “lookout.”

B It has been said that God does not call us to be successful, only faithful or rich toward God. Where is your treasure?

III VS. 34 “ For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. We all have possessions we do not use or need. Yet, we hold onto them while others are needy.

A There is a connection between our heart and our treasure. Where and how we invest our treasure reveals where our heart truly rests.

B We get ready by divesting ourselves of unnecessary baggage and living expectantly for the return of the master.

C VSS 39 – 40 – We are more concerned about grasping and getting than we are about waiting in anticipation of eternal blessings.

Concl: At the end of our lives God will not ask, “How much were you noticed?” or “How much did you do? Or even “How much did you give?” --- I believe God’s ultimate question will be, “Were you ready? Were you faithful in fulfilling your calling where I placed you? --- Not just occasionally, not just when you were younger; but throughout your entire life. Were you ready? Did you lay up treasure in heaven?”

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