The Most Rev. Kelvin C.'s church

Kingdom Life Cathedral
Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076

About The Most Rev. Kelvin C.
  • Education: A.A. - Criminal Justice (2011) B.A. - Criminal Justice (2016) M.A. - Theological Studies-Church History Cognate (Graduating in 2016)
  • Experience: In January of 2009, after over seven years in Shekinah Glory Christian Church (Newark, NJ), Bishop Brooks began Order In The Kingdom Ministries, an ecclesiastical leadership and adjutancy consultation, training, and resource ministry. His senior pastorate began in 2012, when he and his wife began developing Kingdom Life Cathedral, a church-plant, in his hometown of Scotch Plains, New Jersey. In 2014, his ministry took on a new level of impact when a small group of clergy leaders, who were sitting under his covering, came together to form a communion with him as their leader. Consequently, Bishop Brooks was consecrated to the Episcopacy on August 1, 2015 and serves as the Founder and Presiding Bishop of The Anglican Churches of Pentecost, a reformed Anglican, convergence communion of clergy, churches and ministries, where he provides spiritual covering, covenant and connection for those within the communion. An author, Bishop Brooks published his first book in October of 2010, entitled “Munchausen By Pastor: Redefining Spiritual Paternity.” Since then he has followed up with a pocket guide on ecclesiastical vestments entitled “Clothed in Humility,” and he is actively writing several other titles for future release. His various ministry ideals and initiatives are fueled by his personal call to ministry, “To affect a relevant change to the body of Christ.” Though, with a heart for social justice and drive for social engagement Bishop Brooks seeks other venues whereby he can serve communities, to include; serving as a Police Department Chaplain and being a member of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Ministerium where clergy, community leaders, and local officials meet regularly to work together in communication and support to best serve the communities of Scotch Plains and Fanwood. As of September 2016, Bishop Brooks began his two-year term as the President of the Ministerium. Bishop Brooks works full-time in Public Safety as a 911 Communications Officer and an Auxiliary/Special Police Lieutenant, and is currently completing his third academic degree, with aspirations to begin law school in August of 2017. Above all, he is most blessed by the love, life, and ministry he shares with his wife, Lady Shonda-Reneé Brooks and their three children; Aislinn Victoria-Jon'Nae, Justus Wesley-Alexander, and Chloe Naomi-Grace.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I have developed into an outline style preacher so I hope you can follow my outlines enough to be helpful. Please know that these sermons are straight from the throne room of God and have been prayed over, meditated over, researced, reviewed and preached all to the Glory of God. If it were not for the divine revelation of God, none of these messages would exist. They aren’t Seminary, they’re Supernatural! Bless you and thank you for your interest. Please let me know if any of these sermons have helped you at all or if you have any questions on how to approach them. ""
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: One of the greatest reponses I have ever seen to a message I delivered came in September, 2004. I preached a message titled "Who Do You Think You Are," from Matthew 16:13, which can be found posted here on The message focused on how we as people of faith have been distracted and held back from being productive in the kingdom and in life because of an identity crisis. The Lord revealed to me that if the people understood who they were and what they were destined for, then they would be a people who operate in destiny and purpose. The Lord also revealed that he would break the chains of bondage that was homosexuality, from over the youth in our youth ministry. The Lord even went so far as to show me who would be coming to the altar for deliverance, and that glorious Sunday morning, just as the Lord had shown me, four of our youth came to the altar after the message to be delivered from homosexuality and many others came for deliverance from other issues. God moved in a mighty way that day through his word, his spirit, his power and his might. However, unlike some might think, my greatest joy that day didn’t derive from the fact that these young people had been delivered, or even that the message went forth with power, my greatest joy came from experiencing the faithfulness of God! After a year of praying, preaching, teaching, and prophesying, the Lord showed me the fruit of my labor in a vision and was faithfull to bring it to pass. To God be all the GLORY!
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Bishop Smith-Johnsonwas preaching a message called "The Word Is Out!" She was discussing how once the word of God goes out it will either be used or wasted, but it can’t go back from where it came so you may as well take it and use it. To illustrate this she took a tube of toothpaste and squeezed it out, demonstrated how it couldn’t go back in the tube, them used it by rubbing it on her teeth as opposed to just whipping it off her fingers and throwing it out.
  • Family: Married with three children.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother loves that when I reach my passion (shout) in my sermons I don’t scream incoherently. She says that when I preach it feels like I’m having a conversation with you. My Grandmother liked the fresh perspectives I put on familiar scriptures that she’s heard preached hundreds of times in her decades of active service in the Church.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Don’t try and imitate someone’s style, just say what God told you to say... Don’t bring any ’foreign’ books in the pulpit... don’t go into the pulpit without a bible... and STUDY!" - Bishop Loretta Smith-Koffi, M.Div.; Bishop, Ordinary; 2nd Presiding Prelate of Covenant Ecumenical Fellowship & Cathedral Assemblies International, Inc.; Sr. Pastor, Shekinah Glory Christtian Church.
  • Books that have had an impact: (To be updated)
  • Hobbies: I love Music (singing and learning to play the piano/organ), teaching, reading/researching the word, preaching, traveling, shooting and movies.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: "God is real! God is faithfull! God delights to love and bless you! To God be ALL the glory!"
  • What I want on my tombstone: He knew God, Loved God, Served God!
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  • A Part-Time Employee For A Full-Time Job

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    What happens when you truly seek after the face of God and develop a strong relationship with him? There can only be advantages! ;-)

    “A Part-time Employee For A Full-time Job” “The Advantages to being closely connected to God.” Luke 22:54-62 I) Introduction a) Many of us are in need of a close walk with God b) Some of us are following, but not close enough c) So we will discuss: 1) more

  • You Crawled In But You're Walkin' Out

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Learn what it really menas to P R E S S your way into a miracle!

    “You Crawled In, But You’re Walkin’ Out.” “Press Your Way Into A Miracle.” Matthew 9: 20-22 / Mark 5:25-34 / Luke 8:43-48 I) This is a season of blessings, favor and miracles a) I want to concentrate on miracles b) Story Chronology 1) Jesus is going to the house of more

  • I've Got To Keep On Movin'

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2005
    based on 41 ratings

    This message takes a look at being positioned for a blessing, and the roles of DESTINY, DELIVERANCE, and DECISION in recieving a blessing from the Lord.

    "I’ve Got To Keep On Movin’" Genesis 19:1-29 NIV I recall when I was younger, my best friend Daniel introduced me to a song that we would often break out into, whose words were a bold resolution of resistance to failure and an affinity for pressing on. Though it’s lyrics weren’t proper more

  • Who Do You Think You Are

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2004
    based on 13 ratings

    Identity is majorly important to a persons effectiveness in the kingdom. This particular message delivered 5 youth in my church from Homosexuality, under the bases that you’re nothing until you find out who God says you are, and God says, "you’re not gay.

    “Who Do You Think You Are?” Matthew 16:13 I) Introduction a) There is an overwhelming sense of failure looming over our people b) Caused by a lack of confidence c) Caused by an identity crisis d) Jesus knew that identity was important and crucial to purpose e) There are three (3) more

  • Where Is The Love

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    The people of God could be some much more effective and content if they learned how to deal with the issues of life with love. The right kind of love (there are 4). Love is of God, God is Love, and Love never fails.

    “Where Is The Love?” Mark 12:28-33 / I Corinthians 13:2-8, 13 I) Introduction a) We as people of God, lack effective change and progress b) Caused by a lack of proper implementation of LOVE c) There is no lack of love, rather a misdirection of love d) Story background; 1) more