  • Naro Chisho

    Contributing sermons since Jun 19, 2007
Naro's church

Dunamis Life Church
Dimapur, *Province/Other 797112

About Naro
  • Experience: Since 95 worked with the youths and from 2003 till date serving as a pastor
  • Books that have had an impact: Cindy Jacobs’ the voice of God watchman nees’ the release of the spirit Gloria copelands’ God’s will for you T.l osborns’ healing the sick Joyce meyers’ beauty for ashes Rick warrens’ purpose driven life & purpose driven church
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Newest Sermons

  • Believe And Speak The Word

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    God has already pronounced blessings into your life...

    BELIEVE AND SPEAK THE WORD Genesis chapter one talks about creation. God spoke and it was so. So did God stop speaking after that? NO!!! God spoke even after that and it happened… God told Noah about the FLOOD and it happened God told Joshua after going around the walls of Jericho 3 more

  • Spirit Of Poverty

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    God starts the bible with blessings and ends with blessings

    SPIRIT OF POVERTY GOD starts the Bible with a blessing and ends with a blessings… The first word to man was a blessing Something happened in between!! WHAT? It was SIN and CURSE Read Gen 3:17-19 Any kind of HOARDING is a sign of Spirit of poverty What God gives us not all more

  • Much More

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2011

    God of abundance

    MUCH MORE Maybe some today have lost their trust in God Maybe some on the edge and feel that God doesn’t care about you Some in sickness and you don’t want to bother God coz you feel that there wont be changes anyway BUT I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT HE DOES CARE A LOT ABOUT YOU. He more

  • Are You A Victim?

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    I would like to encourage you to stop having a victim mentality and live to be a victor

    Are you a victim? Luke 7:2-10 Jesus Christ paid our penalty and rose victorious so that we might have the benefit. He died that we might live He took the stripes that we might be healed He became poor so that we might be rich He carried the burden of the cross so that we can be more

  • Security In Christ

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    some would like to believe that my security is in my bank balance,life insurance policy,marriage,but our lasting and true secirity is in christ.

    We see security cover for Very important person (VIP) inner cover as well as outer covers. security personals fully alert ready to protect their boss at any cost. Such was the case of Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi.wherever she went 360 bodyguards gave her excellent cover but one of her more