Darren's church

Simple Faith
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
(904) 405-9839

About Darren
  • Education: Everest Univerrsity Jacksonville Bachelor Degree Master Degree in criminal Justice expected 2011
  • Experience: Public speaker over 20 years visitation of the sick 10 years Victory over devils 10 years Operating in all gifts of the spirit 20 years Research general 7 years Stability 20 years
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: You will feel a burning in your soul after reading my sermons; I know without a doubt the Holy Ghost is alive in these words giving to me by God and he gives them to you. The more you read them not just one time but read these sermon over and over again and watch God do something good in your heart in Jesus name
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: I preached by the spirit a sermon called " Walking The Spirit" people out of know where started giving me gifts, that was the first time I actually seen God move for me in a request that I made to him only hours before I preached the sermon. Since then sometime when I'm out there people always gather around to hear me preach God's word, and they always encourage me to keep up the good work. I've earned a new name in my community Rev
  • One of my favorite illustrations: I'm working on illustrations; they will be coming soon if it be the lord's will
  • Family: Married, with four-children ages 4,5,15 and 21, faith in Jesus and what he did is our family golden rule. I have two sisters and two brothers, and I'm the youngest. We are all born again christians; we believe in praying for the rest of our family that they may find Jesus, and we are lights to those in our community and on our jobs that's a Amen.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My family thought I was crazy for walking off a high paying job to preach the word of God but they don't think that way anymore
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My spouse is impressed by the faithfulness that God gives me to continue over the many years against all the struggles that I've had and still face today. She is supportive of me
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: " You want God to use you get out there and let him do it"
  • Books that have had an impact: The book of Acts, also I read a book called " the kingdom of Self by Earl Jabay" but the book of Acts has really made an impact on my ministry.
  • Hobbies: writing poetry song writer exercising of faith swimming fishing
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: It's about Jesus and him alone
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I was preaching at the Hemming Plaza during lunch time while I was preaching my daughter came up to me and hid behind me it was so funny I'll never forget that day. Since then she does that but I don't know why but it's all good and she was only 3 years old at the time.
  • What I want on my tombstone: No thoughts 4 tomorrow
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Newest Sermons

  • Love Is Blind

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2012

    I wrote this sermon for those who are blind and don't know it's Jesus. He's waiting for me eyes to come open about what he's going to do for his followers

    Using God, first thing I want to learn, so I vision myself taking advantage of any opportunity that comes my way. I don’t feel like doing this, I do it automatically to get as close as I can to Jesus is how I’m using God. Vital information comes on a daily bases that information is more

  • Two Woods

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    Light and darkness has been divided. These two do not agree. How can two walk together if they do not agree. It just want happen, because the lord God divided them.

    Read Genesis 1: 1-5 The two woods that cannot stand alone, they need a ruler to pick them up when they fall. If God don’t allow the branch and 2x4 which is the width and depth to stand – I don’t care how much you put them up on a position, if God don’t allow them to more

  • What U Should Do With Jesus

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2012

    Jesus wants us to look on him for every need.

    Read I Samuel 7:1-13 The bible says faith without works is dead not only dead but also it is impossible to please God without faith. “Faith is the substance of things hope for the evidence of things not seen.” Samuel had the faith of God. (YOU KNOW GOD HOLY) Today, we have the faith more

  • Moved Upon The Face Of The Waters

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    If your life is empty, you should drink more water and have faith in God

    Read Genesis 1:1-5 I closed my eyes what do I see; darkness is everywhere. Suddenly, a light appeared in the midst. I wondered at him who caused this to happen. The bible says “let your eye be single less your whole body be full of darkness.” I knew that didn’t happen on its more

  • Egypt Belongs 2 The Lord

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2012

    Egypt is where you can meet but not see the face of God and live.

    Read Exodus 19:3-6 God wants his people not only to remember what He did to the Egyptians’ but also how He bare them on eagles’ wings, and brought them unto himself. Egypt, which is filled with God’s people, is still a part of life today. God exposed his people over Egypt more

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